

SRINAGAR, JULY 01: On theoccasion of National Doctor’s Day, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences(SKIMS) today organized its 1st Research Day which provides a platform to thefaculty of SKIMS to showcase their research contribution in the field ofMedicine, Surgery & Allied subjects. Advisor to Governor, K Vijay Kumar waschief guest on the occasion while as Vice Chancellor Kashmir University Prof.Talat Ahmad was the guest of honour.

Director SKIMS Prof. OmarJaved Shah, Chairman GI Surgery Medanta Dr Adarsh Chaudhary, former DirectorSKIMS, senior faculty members and students were present on the occasion.

Addressing the medicalfraternity, the Advisor gave them warm wishes on the occasion of NationalDoctor’s Day and said that the contributions of doctor's humane service tomankind would be acknowledged forever by all.

This occasion is anopportunity for us to thank physicians, doctors that they do for the patients,the communities they work in and for the society as a whole.

Speaking regarding theimportance of research in the medical field, the Advisor said that every doctorhas to be a good researcher and should keep on learning new things every day.He said that there is no end to acquiring knowledge but the purpose of addingto the knowledge should be in the form of action.

He said that in present times,research oriented activities are very important in the medical field to furtherdevelop advance techniques for the betterment of the patients. Researchactivities and patient care should always go hand-in-hand so that results ofnew studies would be implemented in real for having better patient careservices.

Advisor Kumar said that thedeliberations of this programme will surely help all the participants toupgrade their knowledge and skills for benefit of the patients. Research in anyfield made people able to meet new challenges and face them with rightapproach, in the medical field, it is very important that we do research basedactivities on regular basis for enhancing our skills and knowledge, he added.

He lauded SKIMS authoritiesfor their immense contribution in the field of medicine and healthcare in thestate.


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